Monday, February 15, 2010

Contact Search Tips

The great thing about vTiger is that it can store so much Contact information. But if you can’t find the Contacts you need, or you can’t find them quickly, then this data becomes useless.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to search in vTiger.

By default there is a search bar at the top of every vTiger page that can do basic search. For a quick search, like a first name or a last name, this will do the trick. If you expect a lot of results, clicking the little hammer and wrench icon in the search field will let you narrow down which modules are searched. The toolbar searches each field for your query, but it doesn’t combine fields, so full names don’t work.

The search toolbar appears at the top of every page

If you need to search a specific field, open the Contacts page and click the magnifying glass in the toolbar to open the Basic search. You can search any field by selecting it in the drop-down menu.

Basic search doesn’t offer much more than the toolbar at the top of every page. If you need to search multiple fields (i.e. a full name), you’ll need to click ‘Advanced Search’ on the left-hand side of the Basic search form.

Basic Search can search a specific field

Advanced search allows us to search multiple fields. Click ‘More’ and ‘Fewer’ to add or remove fields. At the top of the form you can choose to match any or all fields. For instance you can search for all Contacts in Illinois or Kansas; or you can search for all Contacts in Chicago and assigned to a specific user.

Search multiple fields in Advanced Search

For information about our customized search or any other vTiger customizations visit Boru's website.

A comparison of the default advanced search and Boru's Custom Search form

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Custom Contact Search

Vtiger's advanced search is powerful, but setting up each field is a hassle. And when you make more than a few complex searches in a day, it's downright aggravating. To make multi-field searches more convenient, we created a customization that puts common search fields at the top of your Contact page by default. This way users don't have to wrestle with adding and subtracting fields.

Even faster are our Quick Search Buttons, which conduct and sort a predefined search, like speed dial on your phone, or a bookmark on a web page.
Basic search after customization. Quick Search Buttons at the top.

For even narrower searches, the user can click ‘Advanced’ to search all fields.
Default and Custom Advanced Search Comparison

Learn more about customized search and other vTiger customizations at the Boru website.
Quick search is feature filled

Monday, January 11, 2010

Automated Lead Distribution in vTiger

After an extended holiday break I return to talk about another vTiger
customization. Lead assignment can be a tricky business. In the simplest case,
you could choose even distribution between your sales reps. Even then, you have
to remember who was assigned the last lead. And if there is more than one
person assigning leads, coordination quickly becomes a problem.

The Round Robin lead assignment customization automatically assigns for you.

With automated lead assignment you can do more than just assign leads in
rotation. You can distribute leads by the type of lead. For example, only
distribute a lead to a sales rep in the same region as the lead. Or you can set
sales criteria for each sales rep such as a minimum or maximum number of leads
per day.

The criteria themselves are only limited to the information that you gather about
leads and can be used in any combination.

Configuring your settings is done through a GUI within vTiger.

For more info about vTiger customization, leave comments or visit

Set lead quotas for each user

Distribute leads by state